Parallel Session 4.4: With Affordable Housing and Energy
Ana Džokić is an architect, with over 20 years of experience pioneering unconventional approaches to the challenges of contemporary urban development. Ana is a founding member of two civil associations that deal with the unsustainability of the current housing condition. In Belgrade, Ko Gradi Grad is setting up a new breed of non-speculative housing cooperatives; in Rotterdam, Stad in de Maak manages “toxic assets” of stranded Dutch welfare housing. She is the founding director of Pametnija Zgrada, the first housing cooperative established in Belgrade in the last 20 years, and a member of the management board of European Cooperative Society, MOBA Housing. She is also one of the founders of the energy cooperative Elektropionir in Belgrade, Serbia, and a pioneer in small-scale solar in Serbia. Elektropionir was instrumental in changing Serbian law to recognize communities as prosumers – producers of electricity for self-consumption.