
동시세션 1.4: 협동조합 문화 유산을 통해 협동조합 정체성 다시 돌아보기

Giovanna Barni is the President and Business Development Manager at CoopCulture since 2010. One of the largest cooperative companies working in the field of cultural heritage in Italy, CoopCulture is committed to the management and enhancement of more than 150 museums, monuments, archeological areas, libraries and archives, expanding audiences, and empowering cultural visits. This is done through the use of innovative technological devices and software programmes, and fostering sustainable experiences of territories through the merging of nature, culture, handicrafts, and intangible heritage. 

At Legacoop – the Italian representative association of cultural cooperative companies, Giovanna is President of CulTurMedia, the thematic area dedicated to associated cultural, media and touristic cooperatives. At Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane- an association for all Italian cooperative companies, she is member of the Board dedicated to Culture and Tourism and President of the Media and Communication sector.