Parallel Session 2.1: By Taking Advantage of the Digital Age
Maria Molina has more than 40 years of experience in cooperative sector enterprises, with competencies in the areas of education, cooperative promotion, democracy and social responsibility. She is a Social Worker with a specialist in Business Administration, master in Education and Human Development, and is a mobilizer of initiatives, programs, projects and work teams in the areas indicated. Maria is a leader with listening skills and the managerial competencies needed to execute projects and skills to facilitate educational processes with different population groups by their educational level, by social stratum, ages and leadership.
Today, she serves as National Manager of Education and Democracy of the Cooperativa Medica del Valle y de Profesionales de Colombia, Coomeva, located in Colombia, with more than 254,000 associates. Coomeva provides multiple services, in health, finance, protection, education, recreation and entrepreneurship.