1.3 – Through Educational Opportunities
Pete Westall is the Chief Values Officer & part of the Executive team for The Midcounties Co-operative, (www.midcounties.coop), where he has worked for over 30 years. The Co-operative operate a broad portfolio of businesses, including Food, Travel, Childcare & Funeral on behalf of their 700,000 members. Pete has overall responsibility for the Society’s Social Responsibility agenda, as well as ensuring Co-operative Values & Principles are at the heart of the Society. He has a background in both retail and responsible business and believes all businesses have a responsibility to the communities in which they trade. He is also the Chair of Bright Future Co-operative, an organisation dedicated to the employment of survivors of Modern Slavery. Pete has recently been awarded the title of “Co-operator of the Year” by Co-operatives UK – the network for Britain’s thousands of co-operative businesses – and the Co-operative Bank, for his work supporting the Co-operative movement.