The ICA Global Youth Network is organising a free all-day workshop on 27 November 2021 in the Republic of Korea prior to the 33rd ICA World Cooperative Congress.
The event will explore the theme “Connecting and Inspiring Youth through Cooperatives” and will take place on 27 November in Chuncheon in Gangwon Province, a one-hour drive from the Congress venue and three hours from the airport.
Participants will hear about the ICA Youth Network and regional committees and learn about the cooperative youth movement in Korea. There will also be presentations from the Youth Network’s Mapping Project, which began in 2018 and aimed to map and connect youth cooperatives around the world while inspiring support organisations for youth and/or the cooperative movement to include, train and generally empower youth.
Those taking part will also hear updates from the winners of the #coopyouth Replication Project, launched in February 2020 to help both existing youth cooperatives and groups of young people who wish to create a youth cooperative. The project received 150 inspiring applications – of which nine were granted up to 10,000 euros to develop their project.
Later, the Youth Network will present the #coopyouth publication (case studies and toolkit) and participants will break out into groups so they can work together to create or improve their own youth cooperative based on the findings. There will also be a tour of local youth co-ops.
“Please tell us as soon as possible if you would like to participate in this workshop because space is limited and preference will be given to those who are also attending the Congress,” says Sébastien Chaillou, chair of the ICA Youth Network.
“And don’t forget that youth (those who are 35 years or younger during the conference) who attend the Congress from 1-3 December will be eligible for a discount on their registration. We look forward to welcoming you to the Republic of Korea.”
The event is free and local partners will provide transport from the workshop to the Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul (the venue for Congress), meals and beverages during the stay at the workshop venue, and accommodation for two nights at the workshop venue. Click here to register.
The youth fee for Congress is EUR 250; to benefit from the youth discount, the registration code received by the ICA must be provided on the registration form. In order to obtain the registration code for the discounted rate, a copy of your passport must be sent to the Secretariat at 2021congressseoul@ica.coop.
For more information, visit https://globalyouth.coop/en/events/ica-global-youth-workshop.