1895 - First ICA Congress in London
The first Congress ran from 19-23 August, chaired by ICA president Albert Henry George. A resolution officially created the ICA and a provisional central committee was appointed.
19 August, 1895

1896 - ICA confirms political neutrality
While its members from around the world held a range of different political views, the ICA maintained its firm commitment to peace and democracy by remaining politically neutral.
7 February, 1896

1923 - First Cooperative Day
International Co-operative Day is an annual celebration of the co-operative movement and is observed each year on the first Saturday in July.
1 January, 1923

1937 - Cooperative Principles amended
The Cooperative Principles are reviewed for the first time at the ICA’s 15th World Cooperative Congress in Paris.
1 January, 1937

1946 - UN recognition
The ICA is one of the first three non-governmental organisations in the world to be granted consultative status with the United Nations.
1 January, 1946

1966 - Principles amended
The Cooperative Principles were modified for a second time, introducing principle #6: Cooperation Among Cooperatives.
1 January, 1966

1982 - Change of address
ICA moves its headquarters from London, UK - its base since 1895 - to Geneva, Switzerland – a city which is home to a number of key international bodies.
1 January, 1982

1992 - ICA regional offices established
ICA establishes four regional offices in Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe to help meet the challenges of a globalised, decentralised world.
1 January, 1992

1995 - Statement on the Cooperative Identity
The Statement on the Cooperative Identity was adopted at the 31st World Cooperative Congress. The seventh principle, Concern for Community, was adopted.
1 January, 1995

2001 - UN pledges support
The United Nations adopts a set of guidelines aimed at creating a supportive environment for the development of cooperatives around the world.
1 January, 2001

2002 - International Labour Organization support
The Statement on Cooperative Identity was included in the ILO Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation 193, which provides an internationally agreed template.
1 January, 2002

2009 - ICA elects first woman President
ICA elects Dame Pauline Green as President, who had already served as a British MEP and chief executive of the UK’s Cooperative Union.
1 January, 2009

2012 - Global year of celebration
The UN declared 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives, honouring the contribution of cooperatives to socio-economic development. The movement celebrated with a World Cooperative Congress in Manchester.
1 January, 2012

2013 - Moving home again
ICA moves its headquarters from Geneva to Brussels, Belgium establishing itself as an international non-profit association.
1 January, 2013

2016 - ICA and European Commission enter partnership
In March 2016, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) entered into a partnership with the European Commission (also known as #coops4dev🌍 )
1 March, 2016

2019 - ILO and ICA organize a historical conference
ILO and ICA organised a joint conference on ‘Cooperatives and the Future of Work’ in Geneva.
1 January, 2019

2020 - Global Youth Forum in Kuching
ICA holds the first edition of its Global Youth Forum on Cooperative Entrepreneurship in Sarawak, Malaysia.
1 January, 2020