Parallel session 4.3: With Enhanced Food Security
Aline Mugisho is the Executive Manager for the Innovative Youth in Agriculture Project (I-Youth) at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). Before joining IITA, she worked as a Senior Project Manager for the European Youth Education Centre (EJBW) in Germany where she is also completing her doctoral studies at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt. She previously worked as a Senior Consultant on various programs funded by the US Agency for International Development, integrating gender and youth in agriculture such as Food Security Programme (FSP) and Food Security (FS). She holds a master’s degree in Forced Migration Studies from Wits University and a Bachelor’s in Journalism and Communication. She has additional experience in project management, education, monitoring and evaluation, humanitarian assistance, conflict mediation and reconciliation, community development, and capacity building.