Parallel Session 2.1: By Taking Advantage of the Digital Age
Sarah de Heusch is an Institutional Affairs Officer and Chair of Smart’s ethical committee. Smart is a cooperative of freelancers and entrepreneurs that provides them with tools and services to develop their activity autonomously while in solidarity. She works at the crossroads of research, networking and advocacy on topics such as freelancing, non-standard forms of employment, digital labor, access to social protection, cooperatives, democracy at work and the communs. She mainly builds partnerships and collaborates at international level with organizations and academics that share Smarts’ values and concerns. She currently chairs the International Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank working group on the Future of work as well CECOP’s working group on non-standard employment and cooperative solutions. She is also a Board Member of la Coop de Communs. Previously Sarah was involved in the internationalization of Smart and addressed issues of professional mobility of artists and cultural professionals. Before working for Smart she was a dancer for and co-founded Transe-en-Dance company and worked for UNICA (University Network of Capitals of Europe). She hold a Masters in Political Sociology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.