Parallel Session 4.5: Within the Social and Solidarity Economy
Béatrice Alain is Executive Director of the Chantier de l’économie sociale, an independent organization dedicated to the consultation of actors and partners of the social economy in order to promote collective entrepreneurship and develop sectors and tools capable of supporting the emergence of this development model based on the values of solidarity, equity and transparency. A privileged interlocutor of the Government of Quebec on matters related to social economy, the Chantier is internationally recognized for the ecosystem supporting the development of the social economy that it has helped to set up. Ms. Alain, who has a background in economics and political science, is also Co-Chair of TIESS, an organization for the transfer of innovations in the field of social economy toward the territorial development in Quebec, and she is the Secretary of the Fiducie du Chantier de l’économie sociale, which creates and manages patient capital funds to support the start-up phase and expansion of collective enterprises. Ms. Alain is also involved in various international networks that work for the promotion of the social and solidarity economy.