Parallel Session 1.4: Through cooperative culture and safeguarding cultural heritage
Christine M. Merkel is an expert in international relations, strategy development and public policies in arts, media and culture. She is the head of the Division of Culture, Communication, Memory of the World at the German Commission for UNESCO. She is a social scientist with over 20 years of international experience in policy analysis, project management and human development, advising the Government and Parliament.
Ms. Merkel is the German national contact point for the 2005 Convention, liaising with seven national ministries and 16 state level authorities as well as convening the civil society consultations on the 2012, 2016 and 2020 Quadrennial Periodic Reports. Her experience includes technical assistance and cooperation projects in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Senegal, South Africa, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Turkey, Romania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kirghizstan, as well as regional assignments (MENA, 2012-2018 CONNEXXIONS, 2015-2018 SouthMedCV). Her assignments have included expert missions and policy papers for UNESCO, the European Union, SIDA, IDEA International, the Council of Europe and EMHRF.