Parallel Session 1.4: Through cooperative culture and safeguarding cultural heritage
David Smith is a lifelong co-operative activist. He was elected Director of the Co-operative Group’s Main Board, Specialist Board & National Values & Principles Committee; Co-operative Foundation Trustee. He initiated/directed the first European Community funded Wales Anti-Poverty Programme pioneering a wide range of co-operative & community driven initiatives. His public service includes serving as the Government Food Adviser, for the UK Healthcare Regulator. Former Lecturer, Gwent Tertiary College, (1983-1998). Mr. Smith graduated from Ruskin College, Oxford and Cardiff University, received his Masters degree in European Human Resource Management from Keele University, Post Graduate Certificate Education (Further Education) from Cardiff University. He currently is a Board Member of the Newport Credit Union; Trustee of the Robert Owen Memorial Museum; and Pro bono Secretary/Organiser Co-operatives & Mutuals Wales.