Parallel Session 3.1: For the Survival of the Planet
Dr. Graciela Fernández is the President of ICA’s Cooperatives of the Americas, and has served as Vice President of the ICA since October 2018.
She has more than 20 years of experience in leading and promoting the cooperative business model, social economy and associative path of working and representation.
Dr. Fernández chaired CUDECOOP (Uruguayan Cooperative Confederation) from 2014 to 2020.
She also chaired the CCU (Uruguayan Cooperative Center) from 2010 to 2020. The CCU is an NGO dedicated to advocacy and development of associative and cooperative processes, where she served as Manager of the Legal Division.
Before this, Dr. Fernández acted as Coordinator of the Social Cooperatives project of the Ministry of Social Development. She also integrated the advisory body to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on behalf of the Uruguayan social economy and cooperative movement
Dr. Fernández received a Doctor in Law and Social Sciences from the University of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in 1982.