All ICA members, ICA bodies, academic institutions and other organisations linked to the cooperative movement and who care about the cooperative business model are encouraged to host events or initiatives under the banner “Towards the World Cooperative Congress” as we move to prepare for the 33rd ICA World Cooperative Congress. Focusing on the Cooperative Identity, this event will be convened in Seoul, Republic of Korea in December 2021. These events can start as early as you choose and must be held at the latest by November 19, 2021. These can include (but are not limited to) webinars, in person/hybrid workshops, etc. It’s up to you!
To enrich our conversations on cooperative identity in the runup to the Congress. It is important for members of the cooperative movement to start debating and discussing around the Congress theme “Deepening Our Cooperative Identity.” Collectively, by launching a debate, discussion, or study around this theme, you can enrich those conversations in a meaningful way.
Hosting an event will also be an opportunity to increase the visibility of your organisation and strengthen its role as a thought leader in the cooperative movement. ICA will help promote your event on the ICA World Cooperative Congress website and social media channels. This can benefit us all.
Your organisation can help build momentum and spur engagement for this event by mirroring the Congress theme for your own event. Help expand the conversations and debates on our cooperative identity by examining its values, strengthening its actions, committing to its principles and living its achievements. Invite members and stakeholders to participate in discussions that can examine different cooperative traditions, experiences or accomplishments that have contributed to the cooperative identity or analyse the cooperative identity in the light of incoming and future challenges (such as the post-pandemic economic recovery), or both.
Discussions should revolve around the following pillars:

Examining our cooperative identity

Strengthening our cooperative identity

Committing to our cooperative identity

Living our cooperative identity
Need more ideas? Visit the Congress website here to get more information on the parallel sessions that will be held under these pillars.
Send us an email at icaworldcoopcongress@ica.coop to inform us of your plans and to share your ideas. Once we receive them, we will send you the “Towards the World Cooperative Congress” logo. Please put “Towards the World Cooperative Congress” in the subject line.
Send your questions to icaworldcoopcongress@ica.coop . Meanwhile, get inspired with a video we produced for this event!