Parallel Session 4.5: Within the Social and Solidarity Economy
Elisa Torrenegra has served as the Director General of Gestarsalud (Association of Health Insurance Management Companies) since 2002. She is trained as a surgeon at the Universidad Libre de Colombia. She also obtained a specialization in health services management at the Universidad del Norte, a specialization in international social security at the Externado de Colombia University, and received training in public policy design and evaluation at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. In 1995, she coordinated the Support Group for Decentralization and the Application of Social Security and then served as Technical Director of the Atlantic Health Administrative Department until 1997. In 1998, she became a consultant for the General Directorate of Promotion and Prevention of the Ministry of Health. From 1998 to 2001, she headed the Quality Assurance Sub-Directorate of the National Superintendency of Health.