4.3: With Enhanced Food Security
Mr. Toru Nakaya is President of JA Zenchu (Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives) of Japan, the apex organization of all the primary agricultural cooperatives and their federations with over 10 million members. Agricultural cooperatives in Japan are unique in that they cover a wide range of business and activities that includes farm guidance, marketing, credit and mutual insurance with some primary coops even owning hospitals. Its “multi-functional” roles are essential for member farmers and the sustainable development of local communities.
Mr. Nakaya is a global member of the ICA, and also chairs JCA (Japan Cooperative Alliance), representing various sectors in consumer societies, agriculture, fishery, forestry, banking, mutual, health & welfare and workers with over 60 million people.
While growing citrus fruits on a family farm, he quickly conducted leadership in agricultural cooperative movements. Also, as president of IDACA (Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia), Mr. Nakaya strongly supports co-existence of various agriculture in the world and cooperation among cooperatives.