As the countdown to Congress continues, we have many new names joining the lineup.
Dr. Youngkon Koh will be facilitating a session looking at how cooperatives can examine their identity through partnerships with governments (Parallel Session 1.5). Dr Koh has nearly 50 years of experience with the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) of Korea, including as the organisation’s Vice President & Managing Director from 2004-2006, and has been involved in official development assistance (ODA) programs including rural development projects supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Also from Korea, Dr. Chanho Choi will be facilitating the session looking at how cooperatives can strengthen their identity by supporting entrepreneurial innovation (Parallel Session 2.5). Dr Choi worked for NACF in Korea for 32 years, and was Secretary General of the International Agricultural Cooperative Organization (ICAO, an ICA body) from 2008-2009 and was the ICA Asia and Pacific’s Regional Director from 2010-2014.
Joining Congress from Japan is Osamu Nakano, who will be facilitating the session on living the cooperative identity with rewarding jobs (Parallel Session 4.1). He has been Director of the International Relations Department at Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union (JWCU) since July 2017, and also serves on the board. Mr Nakano is a researcher with the Japan Co-operative Alliance (JCA), an apex organization of all cooperative sectors in Japan.
There are a number of other new names announced for Congress too – click on the links below to read biographies and to find out more about their sessions…
Minsu Kang (Head of the Seoul Cooperative Support Center) will be joining the conference as a speaker, looking at how cooperatives serve as a glue to create communities of cooperation.
Woonjeong Baek, iCOOP, Korea (panellist in Parallel Session 1.2: Examining the Cooperative Identity … Through Inclusive Governance)
Ruth Jelimo Kosgei, Lelechego Marketing Cooperative Society, Kenya (panellist in Parallel Session 1.2: Examining the Cooperative Identity … Through Inclusive Governance)
Maria Molina, Coomeva, Colombia (panellist in Parallel Session 2.1: Strengthening the Cooperative Identity … By Taking Advantage of the Digital Age)
Dr. Todor Ivanov, Euro Coop (rapporteur for Parallel Session 2.2: Strengthening the Cooperative Identity … By Supporting an Ethical Value Chain Management)
Juhee Lee, iCoop, Korea (rapporteur for Parallel Session 2.5:Strengthening the Cooperative Identity … By Supporting Entrepreneurial Innovation)
Mila Shamku, CECOP CICOPA (rapporteur for Parallel Session 4.1: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Rewarding Jobs)
Hotaka Hara, Ehime Health Co-operative Hospital, Japan (panellist for Parallel Session 4.2: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Accessible Health and Social Services)
Aeng Min, Korea Health Welfare Social Cooperative Federation (panellist for Parallel Session 4.2: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Accessible Health and Social Services)
Dr. Giuseppe Milanese, Confcooperative Sanità Confcooperative and IHCO, Italy (panellist for Parallel Session 4.2: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Accessible Health and Social Services)
Dirk Vansintjan, REScoop, Belgium (panellist for Parallel Session 4.4: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Affordable Housing and Energy)
Aaron Thornell, OREC and CoEnergy Co-operative, USA (panellist for Parallel Session 4.4: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Affordable Housing and Energy)
Guido Schwarzendahl, Bauverein, Halle & Leuna and CHI, Germany (panellist for Parallel Session 4.4: Living the Cooperative Identity … With Affordable Housing and Energy)